Yesterday, Paula Deen came forward and said that she had type 2 diabetes and had recently become the spokesperson for some diabetic drug. Although it was widely suspected that Deen was diabetic and others ( Anthony Bourdain ) had publicly slammed her cooking style and recipes, she waited until 3 years after her diagnosis to make a public statement. What floored me are the comments that I read (and you can still read) on any electronic version of the article discussing her announcement. Somehow, people are far more uneducated about a disease that affects about one third of the populace. Many of the comments slammed Deen's cooking style (lots of butter) and how she ate that resulted in her developing type 2 diabetes. I am not surprised to be honest, unless you know someone or you yourself have a medical condition that you know much about how the disease process works, and this is for any disease. Paula Deen's cooking is a style of cooking. Unless you are part of her famil...
My thoughts on whatever stories (news or otherwise) strike me.